Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Guru dan Murid » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Guru dan Murid. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
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Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Guru dan Siswa – Yuk kita simak percakapan singkat berikut ini. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi yang bermanfaat bagi Anda.
Student : Good morning sir. How are you today?
Teacher : Good morning. I am fine my student. How about you?
Student : I am fine too sir. I am sorry for disturbing your time, but I need your valuable advice.
Teacher : I am happy to help you my student. What exactly the advice do you need my student?
Student : What should I do after passing from this class sir?
Teacher : In my opinion, you have to improve your English skill.
Student : Why English sir? There are so many options for me, sir.
Teacher : What are the option my students?
Student : I can learn computer, because that can help me to find a job or I can prepare for university examination, and many other options.
Teacher : That is good my student. But you will be hard to operate computer program if you do not have knowledge of English. You know, a computer program is in English. You cannot have a good job if your English is poor. You must have a good English skill. Even in entering exam you have to an English knowledge and if you want to study abroad, English skill is a must. You cannot communicate with people there properly if you do not have a good English.
Student : Here on my thinking was. Thank you so much for your advice. This is very valuable for me sir.
Teacher : I have been seen many students taking on decision in spoiling their life. You must not do that because without English you cannot survive in this professional world. Also, English is so important for your study.
Student : Where I should take a good mission for English? Especially spoken English so that I can gain fluency and more confidence?
Teacher : I think English First is the best English institution. They have very good teachers and learning curriculum.
Student : Why can you say that sir? Is there any very difference rather than other English Institution sir?
Teacher : Yes, English first institution has a small group class. The teacher exactly can pay attention for each student. It helps the students get an effective learning. That condition can help the teacher to understand the mind of the student first and the Students can learn faster.
Student : Okay sir I will take the mission in English first institution as soon as possible.
Teacher : Take it today. I think this is a very good decision for your life and for your future.
Student : Okay thank you very much sir, I will take it today. I am so happy for getting the nice discussion with you sir. You are the best teacher and motivator I ever had. I hope this decision will make my life and future will be brighter. And I will make you and my parents proud of me.
Teacher : Yes you are welcome my student. I wish you luck for your decision. Keep study hard student!
Itulah ulasan tentang Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Guru dan Murid yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Harapan kami uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terutama untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Kami juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) serta membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Jangan lupa bahagia dan sampai jumpa di materi bahasa inggris lainnya. ARTIKEL PILIHAN PEMBACA :- Contoh Cerita Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Monyet dan Buaya Beserta Artinya » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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