Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech) » Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech) - Kita semua tahu bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, tak heran bila bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Mempelajari bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.

Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech). Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.

Pembahasan Lengkap Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech)

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech) – Kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) biasanya digunakan ketika kitamenyampaikan suatu pesan dari seseorang kepada orang lain tanpa mengubah inti dari pesan tersebut. Dalam bahasa Inggris, hal yang menjadi ciri dari kalimat tidak langsung adalah menggunakan reporting verbs (contoh: said, asked, told, dll) dan juga perubahan beberapa tenses. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut adalah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) beserta kunci jawabannya.


I. Look at the original words and the reports below and answer the questions.




Original           : “Why are you looing so miserable? What’s happened to make you so depressed


Report             : He asked me why I was so depressed that day.

> Was this report said on the same day or a week later? A week later.


  1. Original : “Dora, have you ever visited Singapore?”

Report    : Vigo asked Dora if she’d visited Singapore.

> Is there a tense change in the report or not? _________________


  1. Original : “We’re having friends round for dinner on Saturday.”

Report    : He said they’re having friends round on Saturday evening.

> Is there a tense change in the report or not? ________________


  1. Original : “They’re going to buy that house in Bournemouth. You know, the lovely old

cottage with the pretty garden.”

Report    : Sue was saying they’ve decided to buy that cottage in Bournemouth.

> Is the report spoken or written? _____________________


  1. Original : “Can I bring two friends to your party?”

Report    : She’s asked if she can bring two friends to the party.

> Was this report said before or after the party? ______________________


  1. Original : “We’re really lucky – we’ve got tickets for the opening night of the show next


Report    : She told me they’d got tickets for yesterday’s opening night of the show.

> Was this report said before or after the opening night? ____________________


  1. Original : “We went to an excellent play last night.”

Report    : Martin said they went to the theatre last night.

> Was this report said on the same day as the orgininal or later? ____________________


  1. Original : “I’ve won two tickets for a weekend in New York!”

Report    : She says she’s won a weekend for two in New York!

> Was this report made soon after the original words or some time later? _________________


  1. Original : “Apparently Denmark only has about 5,000,000 people.”

Report    : Pete was saying that the population of Denmark is only about 5,000,000.

> The tense is the same in the original and the report. Why? _______________________


II. Correct any mistaes in the learners’ sentences below.



  • She said us that she felt tired.

asked me if I was

  • My boss said was I going to work late.


  1. She said last night that she isn’t going to come to the party but look, she’s over there.
  2. They said me they had been waiting for a long time.
  3. He told that he had has a wonderful holiday.
  4. I asked him what did he do.
  5. Miguel was telling that you’re thinking of changing your job.
  6. I missed the lecture, so I asked Sheena what had they done.
  7. I asked him was he free on Friday night but he said he was busy unfortunately.
  8. He asked me when did the film start.


Kunci Jawaban:



  1. Yes, there is.
  2. No, there isn’t.
  3. The report is spoken because the word “that” is missing (tidak menggunakan kata that setelah kata saying)
  4. The report was before the party because the report used the same tense as the original.
  5. The report was said after the opening night because the tense changed.
  6. The report was said on the same day as the original because the tense was the same as the original.
  7. The report was made soon after the original words because the tense didn’t change.
  8. Because the original sentence used the word ‘apparently’ which means the population in Denmark can still be the same until now. (Karena kalimat asli menggunakan kata ‘apparently’ / ‘akhir – akhir ini’ yang berarti bahwa populasi di Denmark mungkin masih sama sampai sekarang)



wasn’t going

  1. She said last night that she isn’t going to come to the party but look, she’s over there.


  1. They said me they had been waiting for a long time.


  1. He told that he had had a wonderful holiday.

     he did

  1. I asked him what did he do.


  1. Miguel was telling that you’re thinking of changing your job.

  they had

  1. I missed the lecture, so I asked Sheena what had they

    if he was

  1. I asked him was he free on Friday night but he said he was busy unfortunately.

       the film started

  1. He asked me when did the film start.


Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) beserta kunci jawabannya. Memperbanyak latihan soal akan menambah pemahaman kita terhadap suatu materi, termasuk materi reported speech ini. Semoga bermanfaat!

Itulah ulasan tentang Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Reported Speech) yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Harapan kami uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terutama untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Kami juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) serta membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Jangan lupa bahagia dan sampai jumpa di materi bahasa inggris lainnya.



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