6 Contoh Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai 6 Contoh Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap 6 Contoh Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris
1.Contoh pengumuman lomba bahasa Inggris
For all students in Bandar Lampung, we are SMAN 28 Nusa Indah English Club announces that we will hold an English Contest to celebrate our 27th school anniversary. The competition will be held on:
Place: SMAN 28 Nusa Indah
•Broad Casting
•Scrabble Competition
•Spelling Bee
Free registration and full of prize!
Come and prove yourself as the best in this competition.
There will be also music performance and dance
For further information, come and see us at SMAN 28 Nusa Indah.
Rika Cahaya (0820287265)
Sponsored by: PRIMOGOMO, Health Tea, Gajah Operation (GO), ZL
2. Contoh pengumuman ekstrakulikuler
Next month, our school football teams (women and men) will compete in SUPER BALL LEAGUE which will be held by the goverment of Bandar Lampung. So, our Football teams practice schedule will be increased from one day to two days in a week. It will be starting next week.
3. Contoh Pengumuman Libur Sekolah
To welcome the arrival of Eid 1st Syawal 1435 H, then the school will dismiss learning activity that starts at:
After coming back to school, there will be Halal bi halal to all teachers and students on the school football court and will be continued with learning activity as usual.
Happy Ied Mubarak!
Mr. Agus
[sc:kodeadsense]4. Contoh Pengumuman di lingkup kantor
Date: 28th September 2013
Time: 08.00WIB
Place: Garuda Merdeka Field
Event: ceremony
Clothing: KORPRI Uniform
I expect all of the staff can come on time.
Thank you
(Arie Untung, M.pd)
5. Pengumuman kelahiran bayi
Named Dahlia Rahmawati
From God’s loving arms to ours…
Arga and Sinta
6. Pengumuman Beasiswa
Jaroem Foundation will open the recruitment of Jaroem Scholarship Plus (JSP) Academic Year 2014/2015, through this announcement, we inform you that the registration of Jaroem Scholarship Plus (JSP) Academic Year 2014/2015 has been opened for all students at the University of Lampung
The terms and conditions of registration as follows:
•Having a good communication skill.
•S1 students who are in Semester 5th from all major.
•Grade Point Average (GPA) minimum 3.00.
•Able to maintain GPA 3.00 until the end of semester.
•Being active in organizations both inside and outside the campus.
•Not receiving a scholarship from other institute.
•Willing to attend the training
•Attach a photocopy of certificate active in organization legalized by Faculty Executive Board.
•Attach a photos 4 x 6 cm wear alma mater.
•Attach a Certificate of not currently receiving a scholarship from other parties.
•Print out the registration form
•Send the requirements to Po Box 12345, Jakarta
Let’s come And Join Now!
Jaroem Foundation For Indonesia
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