Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Independent Clause » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Independent Clause
Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Independent clause – Independent clause adalah suatu klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri. Klausa ini terdiri dari subjek dan predikat yang memiliki arti lengkap. Biasanya independent clause disandingkan dengan dependent clause, atau juga bisa disandingkan dengan independent clause lainnya.
Menghubungkan Dua Independent Clause
Dua independent clause bisa dihubungkan dengan:
- Kata hubung koordinatif seperti: and, or, so, etc.
Contoh: I will go to Bandung and he will go to Jakarta next month. - Kata keterangan penghubung (conjuntive adverb) atau ekpresi transisi lainnya.
Contoh: I feel so tired; in fact I have to do all of the housework. - Correlative conjunction
Contoh: Kiki not only can play piano, but she also can play guitar and violin. - Tanda titik koma
Contoh: Kathrene is my friend; Dani is her friend. - Tanda titik dua (terkadang)
Contoh: Tere received the product on Wednesday: it should be received on Tuesday.
Contoh Kalimat Independent Clause:
1. I took my bicycle to get fixed.
( Independent clause ini berdiri sendiri, tidak disandingkan dengan dependent clause atau independent clause lainnya.)
2. My children are playing with toys in the living room.
( Independent clause ini berdiri sendiri, tidak disandingkan dengan dependent clause atau independent clause lainnya.)
3. I will wait for him until he comes.
( I will wait for him adalah independent clause. Until he comes adalah dependent clause.)
4. When my mother came, I was watching television with my brother and his friend.
(I was watching television with my brother and his friend adalah independent clause. When my mother came adalah dependent clause.)
5. I saw some people standing in front of my neighbour’s house but I do not know what happened actually last night.
(I saw some people standing in front of my neighbour’s house adalah independent clause, sedangkan I do not know what happened actually last night adalah dependent clause )
6. Before she went to school she had eaten her breakfast.
(She had eaten her breakfast adalah independent clause. Before she went to school adalah dependent clause.)
7. After they had gone around the stadium, they took a rest near the park.
(They took a rest near the park adalah independent clause. After they had gone around the stadium adalah dependent clause.)
8. I cannot come to my friend’s wedding party because I have to go Jakarta for a business meeting.
(I cannot come to my friend’s wedding party adalah independent clause. I have to go Jakarta for a business meeting adalah dependent clause.)
9. We played soccer last week until our body was wet by the sweat.
(We played soccer last week adalah independent clause. Our body was wet by the sweat adalah dependent clause.)
10. He came to my grandmother’s house when I was away.
(He came to my grandmother’s house adalah independent clause. I was away adalah dependent clause.)
11. Vianna won the debate competition and Chandra won the speech contest.
(Vianna won the debate competition dan Chandra won the speech contest adalah independent clause.)
12. Men don’t understand and women cannot explain.
(Men don’t understand dan women cannot explain adalah independent clause.)
13. Sandro didn’t join the student’s choir because he is more interested in soccer club.
(Sandro didn’t join the student’s choir adalah independent clause. Because he is more interested in soccer club adalah dependent clause.)
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