Puluhan Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Indirect Speech Beserta Artinya » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai Puluhan Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Indirect Speech Beserta Artinya. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap Puluhan Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Indirect Speech Beserta Artinya
Puluhan Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Indirect Speech Beserta Artinya – Kekurangan contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech? Kami punya banyak contoh dan penjelasan polanya disini. 🙂
Aturan – aturan perubahan dalam kalimat direct ke indirect speech
To be & Auxiliary Verbs
Direct > Indirect
Am/is/are > was/were
Shall/will > should/would
May > might
Can > could
Have/has to > had to
Direct Indirect
Simple present > simple past
Present continuous > past continuous
Present perfect continuous > past perfect continuous
Simple future > past future
Time & Place
Direct > Indirect
Tonight > that night
Now > then
Next week > the following week
Tomorrow > the following day
Contoh Kalimat
Direct speech:
Aria said, “I will give you a book next week”.
Aria berkata, “Aku akan memberimu sebuah buku bulan depan”.
Indirect Speech:
Aria said that he would give me a book the following week.
Aria mengatakan bahwa dia akan memberi ku sebuah buku bulan depan.
Direct speech:
He said, “I work in a bank”
Dia berkata, “Saya bekerja di sebuah Bank”
Indirect speech:
He said that he worked in a bank.
Dia berkata bahwa dia bekerja di sebuah bank.
Direct speech:
They said, “We are going to beach tomorrow”
Dia berkata, “Kami akan pergi ke pantai besok”
Indirect speech:
They said that they were going to beach the following day.
Dia berkata bahwa mereka akan pergi ke pantai besok
Direct speech:
She said, “I am sad now”
Dia berkata, “Aku sedih saat ini”
Indirect Speech:
She said that she was sad then.
Dia berkata bahwa dia sedih saat itu.
Direct speech:
I said, “John has been waiting for you since two hours”
Aku berkata, “John sudah menunggu kamu selam dua jam”
Indirect Speech:
I said that John had been waiting for you for two hours.
Aku berkata bahwa John sudah meunggunya selama dua jam.
Direct speech:
I told Jerry, “I can fix this computer soon”
Aku memberitahu Jerry, “Aku dapat memperbaiki computer ini segera”.
Indirect speech:
I told to him that I could fix this computer immediately.
Aku memberitahu dia bahwa aku bisa memperbaiki komputer ini segera.
Direct speech:
Marry told us, “I have to go now”
Marry memberitahu kami , “Aku harus pergi saat ini”
Indirect speech:
Marry told to us that she had to go then.
Marry memberitahu kami bahwa dia harus pergi saat itu.
Jika Verb di reporting sentence present maka verb di reported sentence tidak berubah
Direct speech:
John tells Anne “I will pick you up at seven o’clock tonight”
John memberitahu Anne, “Aku akan menjemputmu pada jam 7 malam malam ini.
Indirect speech:
John told to Anne that he will pick her up at seven o’clock tonight.
John memberitahu Anne bahwa dia akan menjemput dia jam 7 malam itu.
Direct speech:
Andy says “I have had lunch with John recently”
Andy berkata, “Aku sudah makan siang dengan John tadi”
Indirect speech:
Andy said to marry that he has had lunch with John recently.
Andy berkata kepada Marry bahwa dia telah sarapan tadi.
Direct Speech:
My mother says, “This flower needs to be watering frequently”
Ibuku berkata, “Bunga ini butuh disiram sering-sering”
Indirect Speech:
My mother said that this flower needs to be watering frequently.
Ibuku berkata bahwa bunga ini butuh disiram teratur.
Direct speech:
My brother tells to me, “I am reading a book now”
Saudaraku memberitahuku, “aku sedang membaca buku sekarang”
Indirect speech:
My brother told to me that he is reading a book then.
Saudaraku memberitahuku bahwa dia sedang membaca sebuah buku saat ini.
Direct speech
He asked me “Open the door please!”
Dia meminta ku, “Tolong buka pinu!”
Indirect speech
He asked me to open the door please.
Dia memintaku untuk membeuka pintu.
Direct speech
My father told me, “Don’t come home late!”
Ayahku memberitahuku, “Jangan pulang terlambat!”
Indirect speech
My father told to me not to come home late.
Ayahku memberitahuku untuk tidak pulang terlambat.
Direct speech
Teacher asked me, “Open the page 23 now!”
Guru meinta ku, “Buka halaman 23 sekarang!”
Indirect speech
Teachers asked us to open the page 23 then.
Guru memintaku untuk membuka halaman 23 saat itu.
Direct speech
Andy asked “Don’t leave me alone!”
Andy memintaku, “Jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri!”
Indirect speech
Andy asked that to not leave him alone.
Andy memintaku untuk tidak meninggalkannya sendiri.
Direct speech
My uncle told me “Come and visit us next week!”
Pamanku memberitahuku, “Datang dan kunjungi kami bulan depan!”
Indirect speech
My uncle told to me to come and visit them the following week.
Pamanku memberitahuku untuk datang dan mengunjungi mereka bulan depan.
Jika Verb di reporting sentence present maka verb di reported sentence tidak berubah
Direct speech
She tells him, “Don’t touch me!”
Dia memberitahunya, “jangan menyentuhku!”
Indirect speech
She told to him not to touch me.
Dia memberitahunya untuk tidak menyentuhnya.
Direct speech
His father asks, “Study hard!”
Ayahnya mengatakan, “Belajar yang giat!”
Indirect speech
His father asked him to study hard.
ayahnya berkata kepadanya untuk belajar giat.
Direct speech
The gardener tells me “don’t step on the grass!”
Si tukang kebun memberitahuku, “Jangan menginjak rumput!”
Indirect speech
The gardener told to me not to step on the grass.
Si tukang kebun memberitahuku untuk tidak menginjak rumput.
Direct speech
John tells Marry, “Hurry up!”
John memberitahu Marry,” cepat!”
Indirect speech
John told to marry to hurry up.
John memberitahu Marry untuk cepat.
Direct speech
John asked Marry, “Why do you come late today?”
John menanyai Marry, “Kenapa kamu datang terlambat hari ini?”
Indirect speech
John asked Marry why she came late that day.
John menanyai marry kenapa dia datang terlamba hari itu.
Direct speech
I asked my uncle, “When will you visit us here?”
Aku menanyai pamanku, “kapan kau akan mengunjungi kami di sini?”
Indirect speech
I asked my uncle when he would visit us here.
Aku menanyai pamanku kapan dia akan mengunjungi kami di sini.
Direct speech
My mother asked me, “Where are you last night?”
Ibuku menanyaiku, “Dimana aku berada kemarin malam?”
Indirect speech
My mother asked me where was I that night.
Ibuku menanyaiku dimana aku berada malam itu.
Direct speech
Andy asked me, “Have you finished the homework?”
Andy menanyaiku, “Sudahkah aku menyelesaikan PR?”
Indirect speech
Andy asked me if I had finished the homework.
Andy menanyaiku apakah aku telah menyelesaikan PR.
Direct speech
My brother told to me, “Are you okay?”
Saudaraku memberitahuku, “Apakah aku baik-baik saja?”
Indirect speech
My brother told to me whether I was okay or not.
Saudaraku menanyaiku apakah Aku baik baik saja?
Direct speech
Aria asked John, “Can you be quiet for a while?”
Aria menanyai John, “Dapatkah kamu dia untuk beberapa saat?”
Indirect speech
Aria asked John if he could be quiet for a while.
Aria menanyai John apakah dia bisa tenang untuk beberapa saat.
Direct speech
I asked John, “Does you want to come with us?”
Aku menanyai John, “Apakah kamu mau ikut kami?”
Indirect speech
I told John whether he wanted to come with us.
Aku menanyai John apakah dia mau ikut denagn kami.
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