Penjelasan Mood (Imperative, Subjunctive, Indicative) » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Penjelasan Mood (Imperative, Subjunctive, Indicative)
1. Imperative Mood
Imperative mood biasanya digunakan untuk mengekspresikan tuntutan, instruksi (arahan), atau permintaan. Imperative mood mengacu pada perintah atau komando.
Kita biasanya menggunakan orang kedua (jamak atau tunggal) dengan subjek ‘you’ yang tidak disebutkan.
• Shut up!
• Give me money!
• Switch on the television!
• Close the door!
• Answer my questions!
Atau, kita juga bisa meminta orang lain tidak melakukan sesuatu atau melarang melakukan sesuatu menggunakan imperative mood ini.
• Don’t put the foods on the floor!
• Switch off the television, now!
• Don’t drink alcohol!
• Sweep the floor!
Pesan tersebut terkesan agak kasar, maka kita bisa membuatnya menjadi kalimat perintah yang lebih sopan. Contohnya seperti ini:
• Please, not to put foods on the floor.
• Switch of the television, please.
• Please, not to drink alcohol.
• Sweep the floor, please.
Jika kita mau melibatkan diri kita di dalam kalimat saran atau kalimat perintah dalam bentuk imperative mood ini, kita bisa menggunakan “Let’s”.
• Let’s go to the library.
• Let’s clean the house.
• Let’s finish our work.
• Let’s find the way to solve the problem.
2. Indicative Mood
Indicative mood adalah jenis mood yang mungkin paling sering kita gunakan. Indicative mood memiliki peran yaitu menyatakan fakta. Sebagian besar kalimat, baik itu kalimat pertanyaan ataupun penyataan, menggunakan indicative mood.
• Indonesia has thousands of islands.
• Why do many tourists want to come to Bali?
• Because there are many tourism attraction in Bali.
3. Subjunctive Mood
Dalam bahasa Inggris, subjunctive mood digunakan lebih sedikit dibandingkan imperative dan indicative mood. Secara khusus, subjunctive digunakan setelah:
• Kata kerja: ask, command, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest
• Ekspresi: it is desirable, essential, important, necessary, vital
• if, as if, and wish
dengan pola:
Subject + subjunctive verb (ask, command, suggest,etc) + Object + bare infinitive (kata kerja bentuk dasar/asli).
• I suggest you come early.
• I ask you finish your homework at home, not at school.
• It is important that he continue his study to the higher level.
• It is necessary that you bring all of the required data.
Subjunctive mood juga digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata, bisa jadi tentang pengandaian, atau harapan untuk masa depan, atau harapan yang belum tercapai.
• I wish I had more time to spend the day with you. I still miss you.
• She faced the world as if she didn’t have any problems.
• They wish I could come to the family gathering this year.
• He didn’t study hard as if he would directly pass the examination.
Dalam subjunctive, kita menggunakan ‘be’ dalam present tense and ‘were’ (apapun subjek nya) dalam past tense.
• If I were you I would not let her go like that. I would make her happy.
• If he were as rich as his father, he would travel around the world with his wife.
• If there were one more chance, she would do the best thing that she could.
• If she were a doctor, she would give free medical service to poor people.
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