Contoh Discussion Text About Life Singkat » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Contoh discussion text about life di bawah ini akan mendeskripsikan hal-hal yang terkait dengan kegunaan compromise. Apa itu compromise dan kenapa compromise begitu diperlukan? Silakan baca discussion text berikut ini.
Compromise is Necessary
Compromise is a deal with the situation. Many people have an experience in facing situation. One of the situations is making an important decision. There are so many ways to make some important decisions. Compromise is one of the ways to make some important decisions. By compromising people can make the best important decision wisely. In many situations, compromise is important.
When people want to buy some gadgets, there are some decisions which they have to consider As the example people who want to buy a mobile. The first one is the price. People will consider the price of the mobile which they will buy. They probably think that the price of the mobile is not guarantee the quality of the mobile. The second one is the features of the mobile. Usually some people who want to buy a mobile will consider the mobile has many features or not. Because they want their mobile has many sophisticated features like wifi, and 3G. Taking some decisions in buying a mobile will make people satisfy with the mobile which they want.
When people want to marry with someone there are some decisions which they have to consider. Because there are so many couples cannot keep their relationship so that they divorce. Absolutely they have to compromise their decision with their family to have the harmonic relationship. Usually people want their couple to be suitable with them. They will determine the criteria which they want. One of the criteria which has really to be considered is religion. There are so many factors of marry couple which have different religion. In Indonesia there is a new rule. The rule is the couple who want to marry but they have different religion is cannot marry legally by the law in Indonesia. So they have to go to the other country which can legal that marry. The second one is culture. There are some cultures in Indonesia who forbid marry with people who have different culture. One of them is Lampungese. There are some cultures in Lampung that forbid their first children to marry with people who are not lampungnese. The third one is family background. Many parents absolutely want their children have a couple which come from good family. There are some people who find their right couple but their family come from corruptor family so their parents do not allow their children marry with that couple.
When people want buy a house there are some important decision which they have to be considered. The first one is the location of the house. People who want to buy a house want to compromise if the location of their house is far from their work place. It can waste much time and much money if the place is not far from their home, they can save their time and money. The second one is the interior of the house. They will compromise how many bedrooms which the house has. Because they want to adjust the bedroom and the number of family member. The third one is the design of the house. People also will compromise the design of the house, because people not only want their house comfortable for living but also comfortable for seeing. They also want their house has an artistic value.
When people want apply for a job there are some important decision which they have to be considered. The first one is the place of the job. People who want to apply for a job want to compromise if the place of their job is so far from their home. It can waste much time and much money. If the place is not far from their home, they can save their time and money. The second one is the salary of their job. Usually people want their salary to be appropriate with their daily needs. Because if their salary is not appropriate with their salary they cannot fulfill their daily needs maximally. The third one is chance of career. If people consider their career in the future they have to find the job who can develop their career. They can apply as the bank manager. So that if they work well and maximally they can become bank branch manager.
Compromising is really needed in making some important decisions. By using compromise in making some important decisions, people can consider the decision which they want.
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