2 Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Penjual dan Pembeli » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai 2 Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Penjual dan Pembeli. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap 2 Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Penjual dan Pembeli
2 Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Penjual dan Pembeli – Berikut, terdapat contoh contoh percakapan antara pembeli dengan penjual atau antara buyer and seller. Semoga bermanfaat.
Conversation 1
Buyer : Good afternoon miss, I want to make cake. I need some materials of that.
Seller : What materials do you want to buy sir?
Buyer : I need butter, flour, chocolate, and baking powder. Do you have all miss?
Seller : Yes of course miss. I have those materials with some quality. The first is good quality and the second is Great quality. The great quality is more expensive than good quality. Which one do you want to buy sir?
Buyer : May I know the price of the, please?
Seller : The price of butter is Rp 5.000 per kilos, Flour is Rp 4.000 per kilos, chocolate Rp 6.000, and baking powder is Rp 2.000. For the great quality you have to add Rp. 2.000 in each item.
Buyer : Okay. I will choose the great one. Could you calculate all of my order please?
Seller : Okay if I calculate, the total of your order is Rp. 25.000.
Buyer : yes, this Rp 25.000 for you miss.
Seller : thank you so much sir. Do you have the equipment for making cake sir? I have some new equipment.
Buyer : Mmm, actually I have some in my house. But if those are interesting, I would buy some. Could I see the equipment miss?
Seller : You can see these, sir, there are so many new models.
Buyer : How about this mixer, miss? How much does it cost?
Seller : Ohh, that is Rp 250.000. Do you want to buy it?
Buyer : Could give discount for that mixer. How about Rp 200.000?
Seller : Because you have bought many items in my store. I will give the discount.
Buyer : Okay. This is Rp 200.000 for you miss.
Seller : Yes, thank you very much sir . Good afternoon and have a nice cooking.
Buyer : You are welcome miss. Good afternoon.
Conversation 2
Seller : Welcome to Informa store sir. Anything do you want to buy ?
Buyer : Hmm I need some buckets and brooms. Could you show those for me?
Seller : All right sir. These are some bucket and brooms. You can choose first, which one do you want to buy.
Buyer : I am interesting with the blue bucket. And I want to buy the green broom. How are they miss?
Seller : The blue bucket is Rp 50.000 and the green broom is Rp 40.000. How many bucket and broom do you want to buy?
Buyer : I want to buy three of each items. Could you calculate all of my order please?
Seller : Mmmm, you have to pay Rp 270.000 for your order.
Buyer : Okay this is Rp 270.000 for you miss.
Seller : Yes, thank you sir. Is there any other items do you want to buy sir?
Buyer : Mmmm do you have any vacuum cleaner?
Seller : Yes I do have it. This is the only one that still available in this store.
Buyer : How much does it cost miss?
Seller : This is only Rp. 150.000. Do you want this?
Buyer : Sure miss. This is the money miss.
Seller : Ok thank you very much for shopping in my store.
Buyer : You are welcome miss.
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