2 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Fast Food Restaurant (KFC) » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Akan tetapi sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Gimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan senantiasa bahagia. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI). Situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Baiklah yuk langsung ke pembahasannya saja?.
Uraian Lengkap 2 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Fast Food Restaurant (KFC)
2 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Fast Food Restaurant (KFC) – Sebagian besar masyarakat di kota besar, tentu pernah mencicipi menu-menu cepat saji dari KFC dan berikut ini, ada sebuah cuplikan percakapan atau dialog bahasa Inggris, yang terjadi di restoran cepat saji tersebut. 🙂
Conversation 1
A : Good morning, welcome to Kentucky Fried Chicken. What do you want to order?
B : Good morning. Is there any recommended menu here?
A : We have some menu packages. The first package is hot package with a fried chicken, fried fries, and coca-cola. The second package is normal package with double fried chicken, fried fries, and pepsi. The last is the delicious package with double fried chicken, double fried fries, lemon tea ice or hot and chocolate ice cream as the bonus. Which one do you want?
B : I Want to order two of the delicious package, and one of the hot package. Don’t forget to give some black papers.
A : Ok, let me count all of the price. Two of delicious package and one of hot package. The total is Rp. 150.000,00. May I take the money?
B : Ok here it is.
A: Thank you, is there any additional order?
B : Hmmm, sure. I want to order three glasses of chocolate ice cream.
A : Yes, three glasses of chocolate ice cream, the total is Rp. 30.000.
B : Yeah this is Rp. 30.000 for you.
A : Ok this is all of your order with additional chocolate ice cream. Thank you very much and have a nice breakfast.
B : You are welcome.
Conversation 2
A : welcome to Kentucky Fried Chicken. What do you want to order?
B : Can you give me the list of the menu?
A : Oh sure, Here it is.
B : Hmmm, I want to order three fried fries and three fried chickens.
A : I am sorry there is only fried chicken, the fried fries is already sold out. If you want it, you can wait 20 minutes because fried fries are still being made. Do you want to order others?
B : What others menu can I order?
A : Here there are ice cream, burger, and pudding. Which one do you want?
B : I Want to order two burgers and two glasses of ice cream.
A : How about drink? There are pepsi, coca-cola, and fanta. There is also cappuccino float. This is the recommended drink in KFC.
B : Hmmm okay. I want two glasses of coca-cola and one glass of cappuccino float.
A : Okay, let me repeat your order . Three fried chickens, two burgers, two glasses of coca-cola, and one glass of cappuccino? Is it right?
B : Yes exactly, how much I have to pay?
A : Three fried chickens is Rp.40.000, two burgers is Rp. 20.000, two glasses of coca-cola, Rp. 10.000, and one glass of cappuccino Rp. 5.000. So you have to pay Rp. 75.000.
B: Yes here it is Rp. 100.000.
A : Ok this is your chance Rp. 25.000. Any help?
B : Oh yes , may I have some black papers and additional sauce?
A : Sure sir. This is black papers and sauce for you. Thanks for coming To Kentucky Fried chicken. Thank you and good afternoon.
B: Yup, you are welcome.
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