55 Contoh Soal Fill in The Blank Bahasa Inggris » Belajar Bahasa Inggris

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Uraian Lengkap 55 Contoh Soal Fill in The Blank Bahasa Inggris

55 Contoh Soal Fill in The Blank Bahasa Inggris – Berikut Terdapat 55 Contoh soal yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai contoh belajar.

Contoh 1

Affirmative Agreement

Supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences.

1. Diana likes to jump, and her brother ____________ too.
2. She will leave at evening, and I ____________ too.
3. We have an early appointment, and so ____________ they.
4. They have already written their composition, and so ____________ their opponent.
5. His plne is arriving at nine o’clock, and so ____________ mine.
6. she should go grocery shopping this morning, and so ____________ you.
7. Randy loves swimming in the sea, and we ____________ too.
8. Our English tecaher likes to make craft, and so ____________ we.
9. Ratna and Juwita have lived in Vienna for ten years, and Laila ____________ too.
10. You must write them a letter, and she ____________ too.

Contoh 2

Negative Agreement

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of either or neither.

1. The nurses should not take that medicine, and ____________ should she.
2. They do not plan to attend the concert, and ____________do they.
3. She does not like badminton, and he does not ____________.
4. We did not see anyone we knew, and ____________ did Joan.
5. The players could not come due to the bad weather, and ____________ could the audience.
6. Rina can’t type well, and her brother can’t ____________.
7. They are not interested in writing peom, and ____________ are us.
8. Berlian won’t have to work on weekends, and Santi won’t ____________.
9. My niece can’t stand listening to rock music, and her brother can’t ____________.
10. Leina does not speak French, and her family does not ____________.

Contoh 3


Supply than, as, or from in each of the following sentences.

1. The Empire State Building is taller ____________ the other building in United States.
2. Bali is farther from Jakarta ____________ East Java.
3. Their work is different ____________ ours.
4. Rena writes more quickly ____________ her friends.
5. No flower is so big ____________ Raflesia Arnoldi.
6. The performance of the dancers is less impressive ____________ the singers’.
7. Leo wears the same pants ____________ his teammates.
8. Donald paints much more naturally ____________ his arts teacher.
9. The workers have less money at the end of the month ____________ they have at the beginning.
10. His motorcycle is different ____________ mine.

Contoh 4

Because/Because of

Supply either because or because of as appropriate.

1. It was difficult to deliver the speech in front of many people ____________ I have a bad syndrom of inconvenience.
2. She decided to leave early ____________ the party was getting worse.
3. The road was temporarily blocked ____________ traffic accident.
4. We visited our grandmother’s hometown often ____________ we enjoy the situation and scenery.
5. Renata cannot go to the softball club ____________ her grades.
6. Rira was awarded a scholarship ____________ her great performance in the classroom and social activity.
7. Nobody ventured outdoors ____________ the storm warning.
8. They plan to spend their vacation in the beach ____________ the weather is good for sunbathing.
9. He should drive around the park ____________ the road was damaged in the tornado.
10. The bacteria have died ____________ the intense heat.

Contoh 5

Conditional Sentence

Supply the correct form of the verb in the parenthese for each of the following sentences.

1. If she ____________ (decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
2. Had they known her address, they ____________ (write) her a letter.
3. Because Mercy did so poorly on the test, she wishes that she ____________ (study) well last week.
4. My cat always wakes me up if it ____________ (hear) strange sound.
5. If you ____________ (call) Heby this morning, please connect it to my line.
6. The boss will not accept our work if we ____________ (submit) it in late.
7. Mrs. Brown always talks to her children as if they ____________ (be) adults.
8. I could understand my English teacher if he ____________ (explain) more slowly.
9. Jane wished that the publishers ____________ (permit) her to copy some of the materials.
10. I wish my father ____________ (stop) smoking so much so that he could get better.
11. Rio’s mother talks to her fish as if it ____________ (understand) her.
12. If she finishes the dress before Monday, I ____________ (try) it first before the final fitting for my wedding ceremony.
13. I hope that you ____________ (enjoy) the show yesterday.
14. We could go for a romnatic dinner if today ____________ (be) Saturday night.
15. My parents ____________ (accept) if they invite them to the event.

Itu tadi ulasan terkait 55 Contoh Soal Fill in The Blank Bahasa Inggris yg dapat kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Semoga saja uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, khususnya untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tidak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. See U next time dan salam bahagia.



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