51 Contoh Latihan Soal Kata Sifat Bahasa Inggris (Adjective) dan Jawabannya » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Akan tetapi sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Gimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan senantiasa bahagia. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI). Situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Baiklah yuk langsung ke pembahasannya saja?.
Uraian Lengkap 51 Contoh Latihan Soal Kata Sifat Bahasa Inggris (Adjective) dan Jawabannya
51 Contoh Latihan Soal Kata Sifat Bahasa Inggris (Adjective) dan Jawabannya – Untuk melatih kemampuan dalam mengenali kata sifat, berikut ini saya berikan daftar soal lengkap dengan jawabannya.
A. Read the sentence. Identify the adjectives in the sentences and write it below each of sentences.
1. The musician played an expensive violin.
2. My friends invited me to a fancy party.
3. The furry cat made the boy sneeze.
4. The hungry man lived under the bridge.
5. He was afraid to talk to his teacher.
6. The perfume in the room is fragrant.
7. The shiny window caught people’s attention.
8. The mathematics was very difficult.
9. I didn’t want to play on the wet ground.
10. My aunt who lives in England is elderly.
11. The professor taught a fascinating material in the outdoor class.
12. Explorers came to Asia from foreign lands.
13. Her sister is an amazing artist!
14. The textbook for the class was cheap.
15. The lion purchased by the zoo is enormous.
16. The adorable kid smiled at his father.
17. The valuable sculpture was purchased by a billionaire from Australia.
18. The yellow banana was used to make baby porridge.
B. For each sentence, choose the adjective that makes the most sense to complete the sentence.
1. The chicken soup is very _______. (tasty/floppy)
2. My mom’s spaghetti is_________. (delicious/sharp)
3. The birthday party is _________. (ugly/fun)
4. The ________ children has no place to sleep. (poor/fluffy)
5. My shoes are _________. (soft/angry)
6. My sister’s body mist is_________. (frilly/smelly)
7. Andi Rianto’s music is ___________. (generous/energizing)
8. The theatre show is _____________. (dramatic/furry)
9. Their home is very __________. (challenging/comfortable)
10. Our school is ________. (salty/large)
11. The wedding party was _______. (old/noisy)
12. Harry’s motorcycle is _________ (crunchy/fast)
13. Our neighbour has a _______monkey. (friendly/bumpy)
14. The weather is ___________ today. (chilly/smooth)
15. My new dresses are ________. (clever/fashionable)
16. Those students are ________. (intelligent/rectangular)
17. The village library is _______. (useful/chewy)
18. My father has a __________ horse. (brown/scaly)
C. Read the sentence. Rewrite the sentence using an adjective from the list as the synonym of the adjective in the first sentence.
Filthy/ pretty/ sad/ expensive/ torn
Fragrant/ fast/ fluffy/ funny/ old
Delicious/ hungry/ excellent/ cheerful/ plain
1. The house is dirty.
Example: The house is filthy.
2. The group is fantastic!
3. The girl is beautiful.
4. The book is costly.
5. The boy is homely.
6. The noodle is tasty.
7. The plane is quick.
8. The movie was depressing
9. She was happy.
10. The flowers are aromatic.
11. They are hilarious.
12. The clouds are puffy.
13. We are famished.
14. The furniture in his house is ancient.
15. Her jeans jacket is ripped.
1. Expensive
2. Fancy
3. Furry
4. Hungry
5. Afraid
6. Fragrant
7. Shiny
8. Difficult
9. Wet
10. Elderly
11. Fascinating
12. Foreign
13. Amazing
14. Cheap
15. Enormous
16. Adorable
17. Valuable
18. Yellow
1. Tasty
2. Delicious
3. Fun
4. Poor
5. Soft
6. Smelly
7. Energizing
8. Dramatic
9. Comfortable
10. Large
11. Noisy
12. Fast
13. Friendly
14. Chilly
15. Fashionable
16. Intelligent
17. Useful
18. Brown
2. The group is excellent!
3. The girl is pretty.
4. The book is expensive.
5. The boy is plain.
6. The noodle is delicious.
7. The plane is fast.
8. The movie was sad.
9. She was cheerful.
10. The flowers are fragrant.
11. They are funny.
12. The clouds are fluffy.
13. We are hungry.
14. The furniture in his house is old.
15. Her jeans jacket is torn.
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