Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara 2 Sahabat di Kantin Sekolah » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Pembahasan Lengkap Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara 2 Sahabat di Kantin Sekolah
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara 2 Sahabat di Kantin Sekolah – Kantin sekolah merupakan salah satu tempat yang pas untuk bercakap-cakap. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh dua orang sahabat berikut ini. 🙂
Rini : Hei Endah, how are you today?
Endah : Hei Rini, I am very fine. How about you?
Rini : I am fine too Endah. What do you want something to eat for breakfast?
Endah : Yeah I want to eat fried rice with special chicken and egg. How about you?
Rini : I want to eat Nasi Uduk with egg and tempe and very spicy sauce.
Endah : Okay, just wait here, Rini and I will order those to mbak jannah.
Rini : Thank you Rini for doing that . By the way. Why do you always breakfast in school canteen? Don’t your mother prepare that every morning?
Endah : My mother has no time to do that, meanwhile there is no housekeeper in my house. So my mother only gives me the money and asks me to have breakfast in school canteen. How about you? I never see you having breakfast here.
Rini : This morning my mother had a project in Bogor. She had to go there very earlier. So that today I was not having breakfast in my house.
Endah : But you are luckier than me Rini. Breakfast together in my house is very seldom happened. Why do you like fried rice Rini?
Rini : In my opinion, fried rice is very delicious food, and fried rice can be mixed with many other foods like egg, fried chicken, tofu, or tempe. I am also happy because those foods are not change the real taste of fried rice. And how about you, why do you like nasi uduk very much?
Endah : Nasi uduk is one of traditional food from betawi. I am betawinesse, nasi uduk is always served in Betawis’s traditional celebration or Idul Fitri. Every weekend my mother always makes it. The taste of nasi uduk is also very delicious. So I love it very much. How about you Rini, is there any traditional food in Indonesia do you like?
Rini : Mmmm, there are so many traditional foods which I like. Such as gudek, rawon, nasi jamblang, and nasi liwet. But, between those food, Nasi Liwet is the most I like.
Endah : I ever heard Nasi Liwet. That food is not far different from Nasi Uduk. Is that from Solo right?
Rini : Yes Endah, That is exactly right. This is not far different from Nasi Uduk, but there some ingredients that are not served in Nasi Uduk like Chicken, Squash, and areh. Those delicious things which make me like Nasi Liwet.
Endah : Wow I am so curious to eat Nasi Liwet. But I want to know, what is Areh?
Rini : Oh, I am forget to Inform you what Areh is. Areh is made from Coconut dregs. So coconut dregs are dried until the color change. In some province it is called serundeng, but in Nasi Liwet is called Areh. Next week you can come to my house. You can eat it as many as you want.
Endah : Hhaha.. thank you very much Rini for the invitation. I will come next week.
Rini : Ok , I will be waiting for that.
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