Pengertian Quantifiers dan Penjelasan Lengkap » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai Pengertian Quantifiers dan Penjelasan Lengkap. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap Pengertian Quantifiers dan Penjelasan Lengkap
Pengertian Quantifiers dan Penjelasan Lengkap – Quantifiers dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan/informasi tentang jumlah atau kuantitas benda. Quantifiers bisa berupa sebuah kata saja atau juga frase (complex quantifiers). Pada umumnya, quantifiers diletakkan sebelum kata benda sehingga pola nya menjadi quantifier + noun (kata benda).
1. Contoh Quantifiers
Tipe | Contoh |
Simple | All
Another Any Both Each Either Enough Every Few Fewer Little Less Many More Much Neither No several some |
Complex | a few
a little a lot of lots of |
Contoh kalimat:
• They do not have much money to buy a car therefore they lend some money from a banker.
• Melinda and I bought another vase to decorate our living room.
• Send my regards to your family and please take all gifts that I bring.
• Both Vandy and Jantie passed the examination with good score.
• There are a lot of journalists in front of Bobi’s house. They are going to ask clarification about his wedding.
• Karen shared a little story about her family in a talkshow last night.
Selain itu, kita juga bisa mengubah mode kalimat dari formal menjadi informal hanya dengan mengganti quantifiers nya.
Contoh kalimat:
• In this era, many women love collecting lipsticks and other make-up tools even though they do not need it. It becomes a trend. (formal)
• Nowadays, a lot of women care about their physical appearance very much. (informal)
• The children made little mess. (formal)
• The solution didn’t give much effect to the problem. (informal/natural)
Berikut ini adalah pembagian quantifiers apabila diikuti kata benda uncountable dan countable:
Tipe | Quantifiers |
Uncountable | much
a little/little/very little * a bit (of) a great deal of a large amount of a large quantity of |
Countable | many
a few/few/very few ** a number (of) several a large number of a great number of a majority of |
Bisa diikuti kata benda countable dan uncountable | All
enough more/most less/least no/none not any some any a lot of lots of plenty of |
Contoh kalimat:
• I feel much happiness when I am around you. You are such a blessing! (uncountable)
• She drank a large amount of carbonated water therefore she got stomach ache. (uncountable)
• He lost several pens at school since he forgot who borrow them from him. (countable)
• Many parties try to win and get support from the society in the general election. (countable)
• Mitha said that she enough healthy foods. (both)
• Some cats came to my house. They seemed hungry and sick. (both)
Singular quantifiers menyatakan suatu benda sebagai benda tunggal, namun memiliki makna ‘semua’. Contohnya seperti every dan each.
Contoh kalimat:
• Every student loves the new headmaster of the school.
= All students love the new headmaster of the school.
• Each member should obey the rules in the group.
= All members should obey the rules in the group.
2. Pola/Susunan Penggunaan Quantifiers
a. quantifier + noun
• All animals
• Some places
b. quantifier + adjective + noun
• Lots of fantastic moments
• Much plain drink
c. quantifier + adverb + adjective + noun
• Plenty of very sweet cakes
• A bit of very cold situation
d. Kita juga bisa menggunakan quantifiers tanpa kata benda, seperti kita menggunakan pronoun.
All human beings need love and some need attention. (some merujuk pada ‘human beings)
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