3 Procedure Text How to Make Sandwich » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap 3 Procedure Text How to Make Sandwich
A Simple Sandwich
- White bread without the skin
- Sardines fish without the sauce
- Onions
- Boiled eggs
- Tomatoes
- Cheese
- Mayonnaise
- Leaf lettuce
How to make:
- Toast the bread on the Teflon without put anything on the surface. Let the bread until you find it turn to be brown.
- Lift and grease by using mayonise as your taste on the bread’s surface.
- Make the content of your sandwich by combining all the materials together. Add the mayonnaise and stir until blended.
- Take bread that has been baked. Layer it with lettuce and cheese on the top. Also, put the contents of the sandwich’s mixture on the top, then cover with sliced tomatoes and lettuce.
- Add the mayonnaise over the lettuce before it is covered with the last layer of your sandwich bread.
- Your simple and delicious sandwich is ready to serve.
Roasted Sandwich
- 10 pieces of rectangular white bread
- 5 boiled eggs
- 5 rectangular cheeses
- 1 tomato
- 1 carrot
- 1 cucumber
- Mayonnaise
How to make:
- Peel the boiled eggs and put it in a bowl. Take your pounder and mash the eggs up.
- Cut tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots into the small pieces or you can make it to be diced. Place into the bowl containing the eggs and have been pounded earlier.
- Rub the mayonnaise on the bread as your taste and then insert the cheese into the oven in about 3 minutes. After that, rub the cheese on the top of your bread.
- Put the sliced cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, and off course your eggs are on the top of cheese and bread. Place a piece of bread on the top as the last layer.
- Cut the bread into the triangle shape and your sandwich is ready to serve.
Special Fried Sandwich
- 200 ml of milk
- 50 grams of wheat flour
- 10 basil leaves
- 4 pieces of white bread
- 3 pieces of button mushrooms
- 1 piece of beef
- 1 piece of cheese
- 1 tomato
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- Wheat flour
- Wheat bread
- Cooking oil
How to make:
- Place a slice of bread on a cutting board. Spread thinly with the dyes which consist of wheat flour, garlic, milk, and margarine. Put the cheese and the bacon on top. Layer again with bread.
- Combine the basil leaves with 3 tablespoons of batter dyers, spread the dyers over your bread. Stack again with the bread and cover with tomatoes and mushrooms.
- Close the top with a slice of bread. Then, condense it while trimming. Let it in a few minutes in the freezer.
- After that, cut the edges of your bread, so we do not eat it. Sprinkle the surface of the bread with flour. Dip into the dyes and roll into the bread crumbs.
- Heat oil and fry it until turn to be golden brown. Lift and drain it.
- Your special fried sandwich is ready to serve.
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