Definisi Relative & Interrogative Adverb serta Penjelasannya » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Definisi Relative & Interrogative Adverb serta Penjelasannya
Interrogative Adverb
The interrogative adverbs adalah adverb (kata keterangan) berupa kata tanya. Fungsinya adalah untuk membuat kalimat tanya yang jawabannya berkaitan dengan keterangan tempat, waktu, cara, juga alasan. Interrogative adverbs tersebut meliputi why, where, how, dan when, yang biasanya diletakkan di awal kalimat.
1. Where (adverb of place/keterangan tempat)
Contoh kalimat:
• Where do they live? They live in Jakarta.
• Where does Evelyn come from? She comes from Japan.
• Where will you go? I will go to Lampung.
2. When/how long/how soon/how early, etc. (adverb of time/keterangan waktu)
Contoh kalimat:
• When will you go to your hometown? I will go next month.
• How soon will you get married? I will get married next two years.
• How early will you arrive at the airport? I will arrive at the airport at 9 a.m.
3. How many, how often, how much (adverbs of number/keterangan angka)
Contoh kalimat:
• How many guests are there in the ballroom? There are 100 guests in the ballroom.
• How often do you see you parents in a week? I visit them twice a week.
• How long will you go for vacation? I will go for two weeks.
• How much is the price of your new bag? It is Rp 200.000,-.
4. How (adverb of manner/keterangan cara)
Contoh kalimat:
• How did you tell her about the bad news? I told her softly.
• How did they play in the final round? They played very well so that they won the game.
• How can you make her stop crying? I rub her back, wipe her tears, and then I buy ice cream for her.
5. How far, how high, how much, etc. (adverbs of degree/keterangan tingkatan)
Contoh kalimat:
• How far can you go with that crazy thing? I can do my best to prove that it is not a crazy thing and it is possible to realize.
• How much more will you spend your money? I will spend US$ 70 more.
6. Why (adverbs of reason/kata keterangan alasan)
Contoh kalimat:
• Why are you kind to me? Because you are kind to me, too.
• Why do you clean my room? Because that was very messy.
• Why do you love her? Because she is good at managing everything. I think she is the best choice to be my wife.
Relative Adverbs
Relative adverbs adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan menghubungkan dua klausa, atau menghubungkan anak kalimat ke induk kalimat. Relative adverbs meliputi why, where, when, dan how. Meskipun dalam bentuk kata tanya, namun penggunaannya bukan untuk membuat kalimat tanya, namun makna nya tetap sama yaitu memberikan keterangan tempat, waktu, alasan, dan cara. Selain dalam bentuk umum seperti why, where, when, dan how, relative adverb memiliki bentuk lain, yaitu menggunakan preposisi. Transformasi dari bentuk umum relative adverb yang menjadi bentuk formal dijelaskan pada tabel di bawah ini:
Bentuk umum | Bentuk formal (preposisi + which) |
Where | In which, at which |
When | On which (tanggal/hari), in which (tahun) |
Why | For which (alasan) |
How | By which (yang mana, oleh yang mana) |
Contoh kalimat menggunakan relative adverbs dalam bentuk umum dan formal:
1. That was the reason why I didn’t come to your birthday party.
That was the reason for which I didn’t come to your birthday party.
2. I often visit the restaurant where we went to date for the first time.
I often visit the restaurant at which we went to date for the first time.
3. She might forget the day when I left.
She might forget the day on which I left.
4. I don’t know the way how she can fix my car.
I don’t know the way by which she can fix my car.
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