Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Modals & Kunci Jawaban » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Modals & Kunci Jawaban
Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Modals & Kunci Jawaban – Apakah teman – temah pernah mendengar kata ‘modal’ saat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris? Modal is a verb that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed by the main verb of a sentence. Modal adalah sebuah kata kerja yang digunakan dengan kata kerja lainnya untuk mengekspresikan sebuah ide yang memungkinkan yang tidak diekspresikan oleh kata kerja utama dalam kalimat. Agar lebih memahami ‘Modal’, berikut adalah soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Modal beserta kunci jawabannya.
Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Modals
I. In this exercise, you have to use can or be able to. Sometimes it is possible to use either (keduanya); sometimes only be able to is possible.
• Adam has travelled a lot. He can ( or is able to ) speak four languages.
• I have not been able to sleep very well recently.
1. Jimmy ………………….. drive but he has not got a car.
2. I cannot understand Martin. I have never …………………….. understand him.
3. I used to ………………………. stand on my head but I cannot do it now.
4. Ask Juliana about your problems. She should ………………………. help you.
II. In this exercise, you have to complete the sentence with could … .
I can’t sing now, but I could sing very well when I was a child.
1. He can’t play tennis very well now, but he ………………………………… quite well when he was younger.
2. She can’t run very fast now, but when she was at school she …………………………. faster than anyone else.
3. I can’t swim very far these days, but ten years ago I ………………………………… from one side of the big swimming pool to the other.
III. This time, you have to answer the questions with was / were able to.
A : Did you persuade them?
B : Yes. It was difficult, but we were able to persuade them.
1. A : Did they find your house?
B : Yes. It took them a long time, but they ………………………………………….. .
2. A : Did you win the match?
B : Yes. It was not easy, but I …………………………………………. .
3. A : Did the thief escape?
B : Yes. The policeman chased the thief, but he …………………………………. .
IV. Now, you have to complete a sentence with could, was / were able to or could not.
• My grandfather was very clever. He could ( or was able to ) speak five languages.
• I looked everywhere for the book, but I could not find it.
• The fire spread quickly but everyone was able to escape.
1. He had hurt his leg, so he ………………………… walk very well.
2. She was not at home when I phoned, but I …………………………… contact her at her office.
3. I looked very carefully and I …………………………. see a figure in the distance.
4. They did not have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I …………………………… get some in the next shop.
5. My grandmother loved music. She ……………………………. play the piano very well.
6. They boy fell into the river, but fortunately we …………………………. rescue him.
V. In this exercise, you have to make suggestions. Use could.
A : Where shall we go for our holidays?
B : (Scotland) We could go to Scotland.
1. A : What shall we have for breakfast this morning?
B : (sandwich) ………………………………….. .
2. A : When shall we go and see Liam?
B : (on Friday) ………………………………………. .
3. A : What shall I give Anna for her birthday?
B : (a book) …………………………………………… .
Kunci Jawaban
1. Can
2. Been able to
3. Be able to
4. Be able to
1. Could play
2. Could run
3. Could swim
1. Yes. It took them a long time, but they were able to find your house.
2. Yes. It was not easy, but I was able to win the match.
3. Yes. The policeman chased the thief, but he was able to escape.
1. Could not
2. Could ( or was able to )
3. Could ( or was able to )
4. Could ( or was able to )
5. Was able to ( or could )
6. Could ( or were able to )
1. B : (sandwich) We could have sandwich for breakfast.
2. B : (on Friday) We could go and see Liam on Friday.
3. B : (a book) You could give a book on Anna’s birthday.
Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Modals beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dipahami dengan baik. Teruslah berlatih soal – soal Bahasa Inggris agar pemahaman Bahasa Inggris kita meningkat. Good luck!
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