Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text
Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text – Hortatory exposition adalah jenis teks yang memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan pandangan ataupun saran kepada pembaca tentang isu atau suatu hal yang seharusnya dan tidak seharusnya dilakukan. Untuk menguatkan pandangan atau saran yang diberikan, penulis membutuhkan pendapat yang mendukung. Kita bisa mendapati teks jenis hortatory exposition ini di dalam buku-buku atau jurnal ilmiah, majalah, Koran, ataupun laporan penelitian. Komunitas ilmiah dan para akademisi sangat akrab dengan teks jenis ini. Mereka sering menggunakannya untuk memaparkan hasil temuannya. Secara umum, hortatory exposition terdiri dari tiga elemen yaitu: thesis statement, arguments, dan recommendation. Berikut penjelasan detilnya.
Generic Structure
1. Thesis statement: Isu utama atau fokus dalam teks.
2. Argument: Sudut pandang atau alasan-alasan yang menjelaskan suatu isu untuk dibahas yang kemudian mengerucut pada rekomendasi atau saran yang diberikan penulis tentang isu yang diangkat.
3. Recommendation: Saran atau masukan tentang apa yang seharusnya/ tidak seharusnya dilakukan dalam menghadapi isu tersebut.
Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text:
The Implementation of New Curriculum in Indonesia
Thesis statement:
The change of curriculum in Indonesia tends to emerge pro and contra among people who involve in the education system such as education practitioners, teachers, and students since they do not feel ready enough to implement it. However, along with the change of era and condition of our country, renewing or developing the curriculum is much needed. The new curriculum is implemented due to several reasons which could promote betterment for Indonesia.
Argument 1
From the survey of children’s critical thinking ability level among countries in Asia, Indonesia got low position. It shows that Indonesian children need an education which can increase their critical thinking ability. For this reason, the government think that Indonesia needs to upgrade the curriculum of the primary and secondary education.
Argument 2
The other reason is related to moral issues among young generation in Indonesia. The government and education practitioners would like to build good character of the young generation. Character building is considered as the important one to insert in every subject matter at school. Therefore, the new curriculum also decreases the hour of other subject matter.
Argument 3
Furthermore, Indonesia is preparing for the Asian Economic Society in which we need to increase the quality of Indonesian human resources to compete with the other nation so that they could survive in their life.
Argument 4
In addition, better quality of human resource is also prepared to welcome the anniversary of Indonesia’s 100 year-independence. It is one of the government’s goals. The government believe that education is one of the ways to upgrade the quality of human resource. The implication of better quality of human resource is expected to give betterment for Indonesia in many aspects.
It is suggested for the government to make the teachers knowledgeable and more professional in implementing the new curriculum since many teachers complaint that they do not get sufficient and detail instruction to deal with the new curriculum. Teachers need to have specific knowledge about the new curriculum related to each subject matter. Besides, teachers are suggested to actively find information about the new curriculum and be creative in implementing the new curriculum.
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