Contoh Soal tentang Penggunaan Must, May, Might, Could dan Can’t for Possibility » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Uraian Lengkap Contoh Soal tentang Penggunaan Must, May, Might, Could dan Can’t for Possibility
Contoh Soal tentang Penggunaan Must, May, Might, Could dan Can’t for Possibility – Beberapa kata kerja modal (modal verbs) seperti must, may, might, could dan can’t dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan / membicarakan tentang kemungkinan. Modal verbs tersebut dapat memiliki makna berbeda tergantung dengan konteks pembicaraan, mulai dari hal yang kurang pasti (less certain) hingga yang pasti (certain). Untuk memahami lebih jauh, berikut adalah contoh soal tentang penggunaan must, may, might, could dan can’t for possibility beserta kunci jawabannya.
I. The modal verbs can’t, could, might and must have been removed from the text below. Put them back in the right places.
Scientists have never found the death worm of the Gobi Desert. People who live there believe it is real. A local man told researchers that a death worm once killed a boy and his parents instantly when they tried to remove it from the child’s toy box. An American also died when he touched a worm.
The incredible conclusion that (1) ___________ be drawn is that the worm can kill by using electricity. This amazing animal (2) ___________ even be able to pass electricity across a small space, which (3) ___________ explain the belief among the Gobi people that it can kill from a distance.
But does the worm exist? The answer (4) ___________ be far off, surely, with all those scientists looking for it.
II. In comments number 1 -8 below, tick (v) the beginning (point a or b) which best matches the continuation on the right.
- a) He can’t be the murderer. v His feet look bigger than the footprints found at
- b) He isn’t the murderer. __ the scene of the crime.
1 | a) That might be someone swimming out there. __
b) That is someone swimming out there. __
Who knows? |
2 | a) Maybe he is unhappy at work. __
b) He is unhappy at work. __
It is just an idea. |
3 | a) Shhh! Someone must be listening. __
b) Shhh! Someone may be listening. __
I am sure I heard someone in the next room. |
4 | a) He could be the one for the job. __
b) He must be the one for the job. __
I don’t think we even need to interview him. |
5 | a) You can get a sore wrist from using the computer. __
b) You can’t have a sore wrist from using the computer. __
You only use it for a few minutes each day. |
6 | a) It must be hard working at night all the time. __
b) It is hard working at night all the time. __
I don’t know why I do it. |
7 | a) He must like Beethoven. Look at all his CDs. __
b) He likes Beethoven. Look at all his CDs. __
He belongs to a Beethoven society too. |
8 | a) She might not be home yet. __
b) She can’t be home yet. __
I think she sometimes works late on Tuesdays. |
III. Fill in the gaps with a suitable phrase expressing possibility (might, could, can’t, must, may).
A : Let’s go and see Louise.
B : No, let’s phone first. She might not be there and it would be a shame to go all that
way and then have to come home again.
- A : Look at that! There is an animal through those trees. What do you think it is?
B : I don’t know, but I suppose it ____________________ because it is big and brown.
- A : I am really sorry. I don’t have those figures you asked me for.
B : I don’t believe it! You ___________________ ! The presentation is this afternoon,
and they are the main part of it!
- In my opinion, football is the only sport worth watching, although baseball _____________________ from time to time.
- What? You want me to do my job and yours while you are on holiday? You _____________________ ! No way. Sorry.
- I think we should go to his party. I know the last one was boring, but we know he has put a lot effort into it. you never know, this one _______________________ .
Kunci Jawaban:
- Could
- Might
- Must
- Can’t
- a) That might be someone swimming out there
- a) Maybe he is unhappy at work
- a) Shhh! Someone must be listening.
- b) He must be the one for the job.
- b) You can’t have a sore wrist from using the computer.
- b) It is hard working at night all the time.
- b) He likes Beethoven. Look at all his CDs.
- a) She might not be home yet.
- It may be a bear
- You can’t be kidding me!
- Could be interesting / exciting
- You must be joking! / You must be kidding!
- Might be very exciting
Demikianlah contoh soal tentang penggunaan must, may, might, could dan can’t for possibility beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga contoh soal tersebut dapat menambah pemahaman teman – teman tentang materi terkait. Good luck!
Itu tadi ulasan terkait Contoh Soal tentang Penggunaan Must, May, Might, Could dan Can’t for Possibility yg dapat kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Semoga saja uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, khususnya untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tidak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. See U next time dan salam bahagia. ARTIKEL PILIHAN PEMBACA :
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