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Uraian Lengkap Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Komputer (Computer Server)
Artikel bahasa Inggris tentang Komputer yang ada di bawah ini akan memberikan Anda sebuah pembahasan singkat mengenai computer server atau sebuah komputer induk yang membawahi banyak komputer klien. Dunia komputer memang begitu luas, sehingga tidak jarang ada banyak orang yang memerlukan artikel komputer sebagai bahan referensi atau sebagai tugas di sekolah. Nah, di bawah ini saya berikan salah satu contoh artikel terkait dengan server komputer secara lengkap kepada Anda. Selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat sebagai bahan referensi Anda.
Artikel bahasa Inggris tentang Komputer
Defintion of Computer Server
Have you ever heard the term of computer server? Maybe once and not infrequently you’re wondering about the definition, usability, and its parts. Indeed, what is a server computer? It is a computer with a particular service on a network. This computer is like a parent who store and manage information, and distribute to other computers in order to be used together.
This type of computer is used either in the Internet or in an intranet network. In general, this computer will operate for 24 hours without stopping in order to provide maximum service to the users. It also has a working system has a server computer specs that are much different from the client computer. It must be great to many times to be able to provide long-term duration of service and quality remains.
Good specs certainly not just on the outside or the hardware, but the software is also included. This is evidenced through the operating system owned by the server with a special design. Some of them are as follows:
1. Microsoft Windows Server 2008
2. Sun Solaris
4. Redhat Linux
Components of Server
Components of the server computer consist of a wide variety of hardware together with regular components in the client computer. Nevertheless, the components on the server as well as a class have a much higher quality because it will function with many compositions. The following explanation will tell you what these components are.
The motherboard is a circuit board inside a computer with all the components in your computer be connected. This is the core of a computer that is referred to as ‘ mother ‘.
The main components on the motherboard including the processor (CPU), a circuit called the chipset, memory, expansion slots, IDE hard drive controllers, and input / output ( I / O ) ports for devices such as keyboard, mouse, and printer. Some motherboards also have additional features such as graphics adapters, SCSI disk controller, or network interface.
The processor, or CPU, is the brain of the computer. Although the processor is not the only component that affects the overall system performance, but this is the first component of people think of when they want to buy a computer server. Intel has four processor models are designed and used in the server computer :
Itanium 2 : a clock speed of 1.60GHz, the processor cores 1-2
Xeon : 1.83 – 2.33GHz clock speed, processor cores 1-4
Pentium D : 2.66 – 3.6GHz clock speed, 2 -core processor
Pentium 4 : 2.4 – 3.6GHz clock speed, 1 core processor
When you want to have a category of computer servers, then do not make too much savings. Many types of memory available, so you need to choose the right type of memory to match the memory supported by the motherboard. Total memory capacity of the server depends on the motherboard. Most new servers can support 12GB of memory, and some can support up to 32GB.
Hard drives
Most desktop computers use a cheap hard drive called IDE drives (sometimes also called ATA). The drive is enough for individual users, but because the performance is more important for a server, other types of drives are known as SCSI is typically used instead. For best performance, use SCSI drives with a SCSI controller card.
Recently, a new type of so-called cheap SATA drives has appeared on a desktop computer. SATA drives are also being tested continuously for computer servers.
The network connection
The network connection is one of the most important parts of any server. Many servers have a network adapter built into the motherboard. If your server is not equipped with it, you will need to add an adapter card for a separate network.
Power supply
Because the server usually has more devices than regular desktop computers, would require greater power (300 watts in general). If the server has a hard drive in smaller amounts, may require greater power.
The Functions of Computer Servers
After I provide an understanding of an existing operating system on the server computer. Now it’s time to switch to a function or usefulness of the server itself. There are several functions that can be found on this server, among others, are as follows.
Application server
This server has the function to store a wide variety of applications that will be accessed by the client computer. For example, the central computer or server stores online application transaction that can later be used on the intranet or internet.
Proxy server is a function of a meaningful set of network traffic with proxy settings. Many people are more familiar with the proxy server in order to connect between the client computer with the internet.
Database server
Provides access to the database is one of the most important functions of a computer server. A relational database storage structure information is compact and efficient, and allows quick access to large volumes of data.
In a business office setting, a database can be used to store the contact details of the customer and order information, as well as shipping and payment notes. By accessing the server via a local network, multiple employees can retrieve and update information from the database throughout the day as the business is conducted.
There are several popular database systems, including Oracle Database, Microsoft SQLServer and MySQL open-source database.
Printer server
Used to set the printer to work on a network. This is what causes the printer to be used by a wide variety of computers and are connected in a network.
Semoga Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Komputer dapat bermanfaat untuk Anda semua.
Itu tadi ulasan terkait Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Komputer (Computer Server) yg dapat kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Semoga saja uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, khususnya untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tidak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. See U next time dan salam bahagia.
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