5 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Persahabatan Terbaru » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Akan tetapi sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Gimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan senantiasa bahagia. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI). Situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Baiklah yuk langsung ke pembahasannya saja?.
Uraian Lengkap 5 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Persahabatan Terbaru
5 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Persahabatan Terbaru – Persahabatan, bisa diungkapkan melalui sebuah puisi, seperti 5 contoh puisi bahasa Inggris berikut ini. 🙂
Thank You
I know how difficult I am
I know how stubborn I am
You never stop believing in me
You never give up on me
What can I give for you in return?
Everything will never be equal
Many things from you I learn
You are really a great pal
Whenever you need, I’m here for you
Wipe your tears when you feel blue
Everytime you need, I’ll help you
This is the way that I can do
To express my thanks for you…
To express my happiness to have you…
Friends Forever
We laugh, cry, smile, together
We don’t care we walk alone
We don’t have any lover
But, we share stories each other
My friends, you are my shelter
A place to protect me from danger
I wish we are friends forever
Until the day, there is no summer.
I thought there is no true friend
I thought that I never found
I thought I would be so much alone
And now I have that best friends
I wish we are friends forever
We’re here to count on forever
Promise to share our laughter
Until the day, there is no summer.
My Home
I was sad and cried out loud
You came and wipe all my tear
You hugged and held my hand
You smiled and I smiled
I am sad but you are not.
You want to show me a happy world
No more tear, no more cry.
Show me that this world is fun.
You are always right by my side
When my world starts to fall
You always support my life
When people leave and can’t be called.
You are my home
Where the love is
You are my home
Where the smile is
I am very happy to be your friends
Our friendship is colorful
It is full of color like a rainbow
I feel so happy to see a rainbow
Rainbow comes after the rain
But, you doesn’t only come after the rain
You come in my every single day
You come in my good and bad day
Red is for our brave to face the world
Yellow is for our happiness to see the world
Green is for our affection to grow
Blue is for our calmness to face anger
We cry together, we laugh
as this world is ours
You see the rain, I see the rain
Then, we together see the rainbow comes
About Us
I feel so free when I’m with you
I can tell everything to you
I can share my stories to you
I feel so free when I’m with you
A freedom to give argument
A freedom to be our own selves
A freedom to talk without judging
Without fear, without something annoying
You understand me with your heart
You listen to me no matter what
You understand me like no one can do
You listen thoroughly like no one can do
We keep many secrets about us
We protect each other like sibling
This poem is all about us
About our friendship, that is amazing
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