Belasan Contoh Soal Sentence Correction dan Jawaban » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Akan tetapi sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Gimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan senantiasa bahagia. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI). Situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Baiklah yuk langsung ke pembahasannya saja?.
Uraian Lengkap Belasan Contoh Soal Sentence Correction dan Jawaban
Belasan Contoh Soal Sentence Correction dan Jawaban – Di bawah ini, terdapat berbagai contoh soal mengenai sentence correction beserta jawabannya. Selamat mengerjakan. 🙂
A. Find the mistakes in these following sentences. Correct and rewrite the sentences.
1. My boss gave me permission to travel to abroad.
2. Learning the English isn’t difficult.
3. I need good book.
4. They had great time on the beach.
5. She is going to hospital to see her friend.
6. More you think more you become confused.
7. On a way home, I looked at some children playing soccer.
8. Would you like to lend me copy of your paper?
9. A man who sat at a chair was foreigners.
10. What is difference between these bicycle?
11. Give me some another pencil.
12. Honesty is most expensive thing in this world.
1. My boss gave me permission to travel abroad.
2. Learning English isn’t difficult.
3. I need a good book.
4. They had a great time on the beach.
5. She is going to the hospital to see her friend.
6. The more you think the more you become confused.
7. On the way home, I looked at some children playing soccer.
8. Would you like to lend me a copy of your paper?
9. The man who sat on the chair was foreigners.
10. What is difference between these bicycles?
11. Give me another pencil.
12. Honesty is the most expensive thing in this world.
B. Choose the correct sentence between two sentences in each number.
1. a) She asked had he taken his jacket. / b) She asked if he had taken his jacket.
2. a) They asked where we were going. / b) They asked where we was going.
3. a) I asked him to mop the second floor after the rain. / b) I asked him mop the second floor after the rain
4. a) His family cared for him after he got the illness. / b) His family cared to him after he get the illness.
5. a) When I ate chicken on that restaurant, I met a couple having a date. / b) When I ate chicken at that restaurant, I met a couple having a date.
6. a) I cannot go home tomorrow because I still have some things to do in the office. / b) I cannot go home tomorrow because I still have some things to do in a office.
7. a) When I will go to New York I will see my friends and visit my parents’ hometown. / b) When I go to New York, I will see my friends and visit my parents’ hometown.
1. She asked if he had taken his jacket.
2. They asked where we were going.
3. I asked him to mop the second floor after the rain
4. His family cared for him after he got the illness
5. When I ate chicken at that restaurant, I met a couple having a date.
6. I cannot go home tomorrow because I still have some things to do in the office.
7. When I go to New York, I will see my friends and visit my parents’ hometown.
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