English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank » Belajar Bahasa Inggris

English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank - Kita semua tahu bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, tak heran bila bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Mempelajari bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Belajar Bahasa Inggris (BBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.

Situs ini mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Dan kali ini kita akan coba membahas mengenai English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank. Anda tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Bila demikian adanya, sepertinya tak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Oke, tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.

Pembahasan Lengkap English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank

English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank – Terdapat sebuah contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris antara dua orang di Bank. Yuk dibaca, semoga bisa menjadi referensi yang bermanfaat bagi Anda. 🙂

Conversation 1

Banker : Good morning sir, May help the transaction?
Customer :  Good Morning miss. Yes I want to have a house credit, but I haven’t known how to get that. Could you explain to me miss?
Banker : Okay, this bank has two programs for house credit. The first program is Gold program and the second is silver program.
Customer  : What is the different between them miss?
Banker : The difference is from the down payment and credit time. In the gold program you   have to pay the down payment Rp. 50.000.000 for one year credit. You also have to pay the Credit Rp. 5.000.000 per month.  In the silver program you have to pay the down payment   Rp. 40.000.000 for one year credit. You also have to pay the credit Rp. 7.000.000 per  Month.  Which one do you want to choose sir?
Customer : Mmmm, I will choose the gold program? But I haven’t made the bank account miss.
Banker : After you apply the credit program automatically you will have the bank account. Now let me make your bank account. May I have your identity?
Customer : Oh sure miss, this is my KTP.
Banker : Okay, this is your bank account. And now may I count your money?
Customer : This is Rp. 50.000.000 for you miss.
Banker : Yes thank you sir. This is bank account book, you have to save this as the evidence when you want to get your house. You can get your house next week. Our employee will accompany you to go there. Thank you for nice transaction today sir. Good morning.
Banker    : Okay you are welcome and thank you very much for the nice service. Good morning.

Conversation 2

A :  Good morning miss, Welcome to Mandiri Bank. What can I do for you?
B : Good morning sir, I want to save my money and print out my bank account book.
A : Okay, you have to fill this blank. Fill your identity, date of transaction, and nominal that you want to save.
B : Okay wait a minute sir. Hmmm I have done that sir. This is the blank.
A : Yes, today is 3th march, your name is Ramuzi mahmadun, and your nominal is RP. 4.500.000. May I have you money, please?
B : Sure, here it is sir.
A : Okay, I have saved your money in your bank account. I have also printed out your bank account. All of your transaction is saved in that book.  You can see that in your bank account Book.
B : Okay thank you sir. May I ask something?
A : Sure miss. You can ask everything about this bank.
B : I want to ask about the television bonus that I get from making bank account. I haven’t got the television until now. When can I get it?
A : Yes, I am so sorry for that.  The stock of the television hasn’t been available. The bonus will be sent to your home next week.
B : I will be waiting for that sir.
A : Yes thank you for the nice today’s transaction. Good morning miss.
B : You are welcome and good morning sir.

Itulah ulasan tentang English Conversation Between Two People In The Bank yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Harapan kami uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terutama untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Kami juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs belajarbahasainggrisi. blogspot. com (BBI) serta membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Jangan lupa bahagia dan sampai jumpa di materi bahasa inggris lainnya.



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