Penjelasan Detail Mengenai Possessive Pronoun dan Contohnya » Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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Pembahasan Lengkap Penjelasan Detail Mengenai Possessive Pronoun dan Contohnya
Penjelasan Detail Mengenai Possessive Pronoun dan Contohnya – Berikut ini adalah pembahasan mengenai possessive pronoun beserta contoh – contohnya.
Possessive Pronoun
Kita menggunakan pronoun (kata ganti benda) ketika mengacu pada orang atau benda yang spesifik atau benda kepunyaan orang dan kadang hal itu juga bisa berupa, benda, atau hewan peliharaan. Possessive pronoun menunjukkan kepunyaan suatu benda tanpa perlu diikuti kata benda lagi setelahnya di dalam kalimat.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menggunakan possessive pronoun:
- Jumlah benda, apakah plural (jamak) atau singular (tunggal)
- Apakah ia orang pertama tunggal (mine), pertama jamak (ours), kedua tunggal dan jamak (yours), atau ketiga jamak (theirs).
- Jenis kelamin: laki-laki (his), perempuan (hers)
Possessive pronoun bisa menjadi:
- Subjek atau objek dalam kalimat tanpa diikuti kata benda
- Mengacu pada benda singular atau plural
Di bawah ini adalah tabel penggunaan possessive pronoun
Kata ganti orang | Gender | Possessive Pronoun |
Ke-1 tunggal | Male/female | Mine |
Ke-1 jamak | Male/female | Ours |
Ke-2 tunggal | Male/female | Yours |
Ke-2 jamak | Male/female | Yours |
Ke-3 tunggal | Male | His |
Ke-3 tunggal | Female | Hers |
Ke-3 tunggal | Neutral | Its |
Ke-3 jamak | Male/female | Theirs |
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- See these books. They are like mine. (subject = my books)
- I like your collected stuff. It’s unique. What do you think about mine? (object = my collected stuff)
- I want to see your mother again. I ever saw yours once. (object = your mother)
- My cats are so fat. Yours are fat. (subject = Your cat)
- Their performance is great, but ours is the greatest. (subject = our performance)
- Her dress is so wonderful. Ours are too. (subject= our dresses)
- Santi can make a cake for other people but she doesn’t have time to make hers. (object = her cake)
- This is my favourite dish. That one is hers. (object = her favourite dish)
- Your pictures are epic. His are unique. (subject = his pictures)
- These are not my comic books. These are theirs. (subject = Their comic books)
- Sendy doesn’t like your homemade chocolate. Does she like theirs? (object = their homemade chocolate)
- Heji cannot visit her grandmother’s house today. Tara cannot go hers, too. (object = Tara’s grandmother’s house)
- Pepita wears a new pair of shoes. Hers are so pretty. (Subject = Her shoes)
- Ginan broke his friends’ mobile phone. So that, he gave his to his friend. (object= his mobile phine/ Ginan’s mobile phone)
- Pipo is so impatient in waiting for his brother. Her always walks so slowly. (subject = his brother)
Bentuk Lain Possessive Pronoun
1. Possessive pronoun juga bisa menggunakan benda atau nama orang + (‘) apostrof + s
Rinta + (‘) + s = Rinta’s
Dalam kalimat:
- You forgot your sandals; you took Rinta’s last night. (Rinta’s = Rinta’s sandals)
- Didi doesn’t know Sasya’s house. He asked me about Sasya’s. (Sasya’s = Sasya’s house)
- Tania cannot drive Kiki’s car. She is not accustomed to Kiki’s. (Kiki’s = Kiki’s car)
2. Kata “whose” yang merupakan interrogative adjective juga bisa digunakan sebagai possessive pronoun.
- There are some fresh fruits in the refrigerator. I don’t know whose they are.
- This broken car has been in the garage for two years. Whose this is.
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